Planned final results of implementation of the project

Within the framework of the seven WPs planned in this way, allocated for implementation in two stages with a duration of 36 months, the following results are foreseen: 

  1. Scientific reports at scientific forums – not less than 20;
  2. Scientific articles – not less than 10, including in scientific journals referenced and indexed in world-famous databases (such as Scopus, Web of Science, etc.);
  3. Collective monographs – 2 issues.
  4. Organization and holding of a round table with the working title “Theory and practice of cooperatives in Bulgaria in the context of the “2030 Sustainable Development Goals”.
  5. Reports on the scientific research work during the project period.
  6. Recommendations to interested parties, institutions and cooperatives.
  7. Organization and holding of a final round table or a final conference with the working title project “Cooperative business models and their potential for implementing innovative management solutions”.